Thursday, January 31, 2008


Saturday, January 26, 2008


Om man blir utmanad MASTE man ju faktiskt stalla upp... saaa, har kommer sju sanningar.

1. Jag trivs valdigt bra med att resa men borjar just nu langta efter att inte bo i en vaska langre.
2. Jag missade min svarmors fodelsedag detta aret. Skams pa mig som ar sa inne pa fodelsedagar i vanliga fall (Jesses ar pa mandag).
3. Jag saknar Sverige och alla mina alskade darhemma som allra mest efter att jag precis traffat er alla! Man inser liksom vad som finns dar hela tiden medans jag hanger upp och ner pa andra sidan globen.
4. Jag sover fortfarande lite lite samre natten fore julafton.
5. Jag gillar verkligen nar jag da och da far sovmorgon och lite paus innan jag borjar frukostkladda med Pelle.
6. Jag gillar verkligen Annika Lantz - laser just nu hennes bok om att bli tvabarnsmamma.
7. Jag alskar att fylla ar.

Det var det!

Rapport i ovrigt ar att det ar soligt och fint i Kalifornien men vi begav till dom snoiga bergen i nationalparken Yosemite. Hur vackert som helst. Jag skidade langdskidor med Pelle pa slap vilket jag njot av mer an vad han gjorde. Ska lagga upp massa bilder nar jag far en chans att ha datorn mer an 10 minuter.

Tills vi hors igen - skot om er!

Kramar Lisa

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Today is my dad's birthday ; HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Grattis och hoppas att du far en riktigt fin dag. Vi tanker pa dig! Tusen tack till bada dig och Lotta for allt ni gjorde for oss nar vi var hos er.

And so ; we're in America. Yep we are here! The trip went well. Pelle did real well, seems like day flights are better than night flights. The drive to Cayucos from Los Angeles was a real nightmare though. We were so so tired and it took heaps of time to just get out of the city (so lucky Kim is picking us up in Launceston when we get back....).

Yesterday we picked up Ben in San Fransisco. We drove up along the coast way which was just beautiful - a real treat! Today we are off to Alcatraz and after that travelling inlands to this big national park. It is a bit cold up here i San Fran compared to Cayucos. Am starting to long for the Australian summer especially since I've got a stubborn cold that wont give in for nothing.

Anyway, hope you're all good!

Love to all!



Linda - tack for att du kom till Malmo, var hur mysigt som helst aven om jag var en krasslig liten sjukling

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Soooo, we're bad!

Bad at communicating, sending pictures, calling BUT we do remember that tomorrow is not just your usual sunday - IT'S PETERS BIRTHDAY!


We hope you get a fantastic day, filled with exciting movie challenges! Fingers crossed for you guys winning, sweeping the floors with the other contestant.

We are once again seated at Anna & Anders, getting well looked after. We have spent the week with Lidna, Magnus and Leo in Gothenborg and even if it was rainy almost the whole time it was great to be up there. Magnus and Jesse went climbing and Jesse managed to impress the instructor by showing off his tree climbing skills in the hall. He also got to see a moose, seals and penguins. We also met up with my best friends Mia & Sara which was great. We are happy and fat! Pelle eats more than he has in his whole life and me and Jesse are not far behind. Lucky we are going to healthy America soon... eh.... anyway, we can roll all the way home!

Take care now everybody - I will upload pics when we are back at Torstäva again.

Love to all!


Friday, January 04, 2008

Happy New Year!

Here are some pikkies from our time in Lessebo with Anna, Anders and the rest of the crew - their children Albin, Molly and Gina, Annas little sister Ninin and her Jan and their 2 children. Thrown in that lot to celebrate new years was also one single guy without children and I think he swore to live in celibat for the rest of his life after this experience...

Anyway, everything's cruising along nicely and I hope its the same for all of you!

Love from your little Swede